- Brinks, Jan Herman, Die DDR-Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur deutschen Einheit. Luther, Friedrich II und Bismarck als Paradigmen politischen Wandels.Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M/New York, 1992, 342 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, De Rechterflank van Duitsland ('Germany's Right Wing'), Amsterdam, 1994, 167 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, Children of a New New Fatherland. Germany's Post-War Right-Wing Politics (with a foreword by David Binder of the New York Times), London, New York, 2000, 200 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, Paradigms of Political Change: Luther, Frederick II, and Bismarck. The GDR on its Way to German Unity, with a preface by Georg G. Iggers, Marquette University Press, Marquette Studies in Philosophy No. 28, 2001, 355 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, Rock, Stella and Timms, Edward (editors), Nationalist Myths and the Modern Media. Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalisation, I.B. Tauris, London, 2005, 288 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, The Netherlands and Islam: Towards a new Identity?, Aspekt, 2016, 72 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, The Dutch, the Germans and the Jews, Aspekt, 2016, 54 pages
- Brinks, Jan Herman, The Miraculous Resurrection of Immanuel Kant and other articles: With a foreword by Georg G. Iggers, Aspekt, 2016, 200 pages.
- Brinks, Jan Herman, Anton Kruft, e.a., De Europese Spagaat. Het Europa der vaderlanden of een hernieuwde Europese Unie, Aspekt, Soesterberg, 2017, 438 pages
- Brinks, Jan Herman, Muurballade, 2016, 238 pages.